Food Riddle
Japanese is extremely rich in onomatopoeia. While some of them might be pretty abstract, others seem to make sense, although it’s often not easy to say why – they just speak to us on some mysterious spiritual level. Here are three onomatopoeia related to eating:
かりかり (karikari)
むしゃむしゃ (mushamusha)
がつがつ (gatsugatsu)
Can you imagine what exactly they mean?
Hint: one is related to eating greedily when very hungry; another, to eating something crunchy, like potato chips; the third one, to munching the food audibly.
And the answers are…
かりかり (karikari) – eating something crunchy, e.g., potato chips
むしゃむしゃ (mushamusha) – munching the food audibly
がつがつ (gatsugatsu) – eating greedily when very hungry
Did you guess right?
Written by AL